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No matter what you need, TELECARE4ALL connects you with the best doctor or specialist to get quality care at affordable cash prices - without insurance.

Thousands of providers. One site.

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Telecare Appointment
No matter what you need, TELECARE4ALL connects you with the best doctor or specialist to get quality care at affordable cash prices - without insurance.
St. Lukes Roosevelt Hospital of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Medical School
(227 reviews)
"Very polite and knowledgable, very professional, kind,informative doctor. Definitely recommend as a primary care doctor."
-Boris Y.
Available Today
St. Lukes Roosevelt Hospital of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Medical School
(227 reviews)
"Very polite and knowledgable, very professional, kind,informative doctor. Definitely recommend as a primary care doctor."
-Boris Y.
Available Today
St. Lukes Roosevelt Hospital of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Medical School
(227 reviews)
"Very polite and knowledgable, very professional, kind,informative doctor. Definitely recommend as a primary care doctor."
-Boris Y.
Available Today